Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"It's a Michigan thing"

I have been living in Ann Arbor for 12 days and while at first I wanted to get on the plane back to California with my mom, I am growing to love it. I am learning all the Michigan things, like weird hanging lights, indoor tracks at any and every gym, Michigan time (aka your classes start 10 min past the time they say they start), the subtle accent that now my roommates are insisting I have. My school is only a short walk from my house and in between is pretty much everything I need. Thus once winter comes I will only need to drive to and from internship and to and from the grocery store, hopefully I can survive that much.
Last Friday my wonderful roommate and I roamed around the city and she introduced me to Cupcake Station aka my safe haven for the next year.
Peanut Butter cupcake! Yum

On Saturday I went to my first football game and realized the full blown craziness that occurs on home game days here in Ann Arbor. The streets were filled with people and there are parties, music, and maize and blue colors everywhere. The whole day was super fun and I am looking forward to the next game!
Today was my first day of internship and while I am absolutely terrified to drive there in the snow I enjoyed my first day and I am very excited to start. Kate took this "first day of internship" picture of me :)
Also today, Kate and I went on a little shopping/dinner date. I bought some snow gear which I am beyond excited to wear.

Tomorrow classes start and I am excited and looking forward to them!!!!


Morgan said...

1. You already have an accent? I cant wait to hear it! Haha.

2. I need to find a place with peanut butter cupcakes now.

3. LOVE the rainboots.

I am so excited for you! Definitely excited to hear more about your Michigan adventures.

SABigler said...

glad to hear that you are alive and well. i love hearing all about your new life and adventures, so keep posting!!!!! we miss you here in ventura.

Danielle Nicole said...

ahhhhh I miss you so much! Your "1st day of internship" pic is adorable. oh you. I love you & i hope Michigan treats you wonderfully :)

Sarah said...

Morgan- about the accent, my roommates think I have an accent and that they don't. I do no have a Michigan accent haha! I hope there is somewhere in Utah that makes strawberry cupcakes with lemon frosting :)
Dani- I miss you and can't believe I haven't seen you in four months! I hope you are well.
Ash- love and miss you and Aubree!