Sunday, March 8, 2009

Today I loved...

Staying in my PJ's all day. Today all I did was lounge around the apartment. I spent the majority of the time doing homework and I got a lot done. It seems like I haven't had a day with nothing major planned in so long.

p.s. I didn't post yesterday but:
Yesterday I loved...watching all our hard work with Sisters' Closet pay off (I think everyone who reads this knows what it is so I won't explain). The event was a huge hit out goal was to have a hundred dresses and thirty girls, we ended up with over 250 dresses and around 54 girls come. It was so awesome to help them find dresses and to watch as they happily walked away with their outfits for the prom. Girls lined up out the door three hours before it started! It was amazing!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Today I loved...

Having dinner with friends. My roommate and I had our two friends over for dinner and I love having meals with people!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Today I loved...

Getting an A on my Human Behavior in the Social Environment exam! This class is super hard ad I never know how I do on the exams until I get them back which is stressful, but I got an A!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Today I loved...

The little girl in group who called out my friend Ashley. So I am taking a class learning how to facilitate groups. My friend Ashley and I are facilitating a character building group for third graders. In talking about our family my friend Ashley said she had the "cutest dog in the world." This little girl in the group raised her hand and said something along the lines of, "isn't that just your opinion." It was sooo funny and the best part of my day!

p.s. About yesterday...I went to the lunch of one of my good friend's babies blessings (if that made any sense). I love being apart of their lives and being an Auntie to Miss Aubree.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Today I loved...

Getting to be apart of Aubree's special day.