Saturday, August 30, 2008

New apartments are fun!

So I moved back to lovely Azusa today! My apartment is WAY better than last year and is already so cute. My one roommate is already here and the other one will be here either tomorrow or the next day. Tomorrow we are having a High Sierra (the program I went to the spring before last) reunion slash meet the people going up this semester so I'm pretty excited to see all my professors again.

My and my lovely living room.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Summer is coming to an end

This summer has been amazing. I have to say that I love college summers because they are sooo long. I got our out of school May 2 and don't actually start school till Sept 3. That makes my summer a lovely 4 months long. This summer I worked a ton, took 9 units of summer school, and managed to slip some good times with good friends in there also :).

Me, Morgan, and Kenny went down to the beach one night and between the three of us took at least 150 pictures.

Kenny, Morgan, and I did face masks one night. A few other girls came over and we just hung out in my room reminiscing about fun times. I love having friends that I don't feel like I have to entertain!

We decided to have a potluck before a bunch of people left. It was super fun. We are holding Class of 2006 plates because well we are but also they just so happened to be the only paper plates we had. If you can't tell our potluck consisted of pizza, macaroni and cheese, homemade chips and guacamole, cookies, and salad. Haha oh college students :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

I miss my sister!

My little sister left for school today. She won't be home again till Christmas. It hasn't even been a day and I miss her already. I know she is going to have an amazing time at school and I'm so proud of her and all of her accomplishments, but coming home and knowing she isn't there is hard. I love you Haley and can't wait to see all that you do in the next four years at school!

Sunday, August 3, 2008


This summer I have been watching two kids who live right next to my cousins. I'm not sure I can really call this work based on the fact that I really enjoy doing it and my kids are great. One of the reasons I love this job so much is that I get to see my cousins a lot.

I get to spend the night at make s'mores with the kids!

This one's just so cute!

La Zoo

Last Tuesday I took the Harris kids (my cousins) to the La zoo. After we got there I received some panicked calls from my parents about an earthquake. At first I thought my dad was joking but after awhile realized he was serious and I guess we just didn't feel it because we had been driving. Overall it was a really fun day. We sang Disney songs on the way there and got to see some cool animals.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


I have a blog it.